Deep in the jungle of New Guinea, in the village of Otsjanep. Two chiefs are locked in a bitter rivalry. Chief Mundi boasts that he holds the greatest number of trophies. While Chief Kepanga can no longer tolerate his rivals big head.
Hoping to negate an escalating conflict. Chief Kepanga's wife suggests offering their oldest daughter to the rival's son in marriage. Seeing the benefits of such an arrangement, the chief yields to his wife's intuition.
After six days past, Chief Mundi sends word agreeing to the terms. And as per tradition. The celebration would be in the bride's village on the night of the full moon.
The villagers greet the guests with cheers and flowers as they entered Otsjanep. And as customary, a fire is set in the village center. There will be drinking and dancing and music and feast long into the night.
Around the great fire, the time arrives for honoring the bride and groom with a toast. Once again Chief Mundi sees fit to brag. And Chief Kepanga sits and says nothing, instead he grins from ear to ear.
Chief Kepanga then raises his spear above his head, signaling his warriors to attack. Many of Chief Mundi's men are drunk or asleep as hundreds of spears and arrows hit their mark. In the chaos, Chief Mundi flees.
In the days that followed. The villagers of Otsjanep had plenty to eat and the chief had all the trophies he could ever want.
Removing his prized trophy from the leather strap around his neck and holding it in the palm of his hand. The chief thought this was the best idea his wife had ever had. And his rivals head wasn't as large now as it once was.
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